Tuesday 20 January 2015

2015-01-23 串遊丹桂及老虎坑

The Fridayhikers are a group of friends who go hiking for leisure. Depending on the weather and road conditions, the hiking route may be subject to change without prior notice. Participants joining the hikes do so at their own will and at their own risk. They may consider buying their own insurance for better protection. The hike leaders, the organizers and any other participants in the hikes are exonerated from any liabilities and claims as a result of any accidents or losses arising.

Dear all,

The weather forecast this Friday is "13-18 deg. C, mainly fine and dry with moderate to fresh east winds".  This time we have the honour of having Principal Fung lead us to try out a new hiking route in Tuen Mun area.  Details are as follows:

輕鐵鍾屋村站 → 鍾屋村 → 丹桂坑水塘(洪水坑灌溉水瑭) → 丹桂坑(澗邊山徑) → 過山坳(約300米高,間有密林,有泥沙斜坡,要帶手套) → 老虎坑(澗邊郊遊徑) → 老虎坑水塘(藍地灌溉水塘) → 虎地下村 → 富泰邨 → 西鐵兆康站

I have requested Fung Sir to revise the route so that we can reach our destination before 2 pm.  In this respect, he suggested we would take a taxi from 西鐵兆康站 to the end of Shun Tat Street 順達街 at 鍾屋村, which is at the edge of 丹桂坑水塘.   This revised route is about 10 km, and we should be able to complete the hike in 41/2 hours.

Meeting time   : 9:00 a.m.

Meeting place  : 西鐵兆康站B出口(坐的士到鍾屋村山邊起步)

Please bring along your rain and sun gears and sufficient water for the hike.  As advised by Fung Sir, it would be better to bring your gloves as we may need to walk through some woods (Hoi Yee 話不要被斜坡及密林幾個字嚇怕 ).  

As usual, in case the rainstorm signal or typhoon signal No. 3 or above remains hoisted at 0730 hours on Friday or less than 3 hikers sign up before 2300 hours on Thursday, the hike will be automatically cancelled (Note: I will join the hike).



  1. Thanks Anson
    Both John & I will join the hiking this Friday


  2. Sounds good, wish I could join. See you all soon.

  3. Dear Anson,
    Do count me in.

  4. Thank you Anson, I'll join.

    D K

  5. Long time no see,

    A friend of mine and I will join the hike but we will meet you in 鍾屋村.


    1. Dear Anson,
      I will join the hike tomorrow.


  6. Thank you, Anson. Please count me in.
