Saturday 25 January 2014

2014-01-31 新春大吉!龍馬精神!

The Fridayhikers are a group of friends who go hiking for leisure. Depending on the weather and road conditions, the hiking route may be subject to change without prior notice. Participants joining the hikes do so at their own will and at their own risk. They may consider buying their own insurance for better protection. The hike leaders, the organizers and any other participants in the hikes are exonerated from any liabilities and claims as a result of any accidents or losses arising.

Dear all,

We won't be organising any hikes on the First Day of the Year of the Horse.  Hope you'll enjoy warm and loving get-together moments with your family and friends.

See you next Friday.


Sunday 19 January 2014

2014-01-24 大灘郊遊徑

The Fridayhikers are a group of friends who go hiking for leisure. Depending on the weather and road conditions, the hiking route may be subject to change without prior notice. Participants joining the hikes do so at their own will and at their own risk. They may consider buying their own insurance for better protection. The hike leaders, the organizers and any other participants in the hikes are exonerated from any liabilities and claims as a result of any accidents or losses arising.

Dear all,

I've picked one of our favourite routes in Sai Kung for this Friday.  The walk will take 3.5 hours from 猴塘溪 to 海下.  We may decide whether to take an additional hour to go round 灣仔半島 when we reach 攔路坳
.  Please bring sun gear, mosquito repellent and plenty of water. 

Meeting Time: 8:45 am (Minibus leaves at 8:55 am)
Meeting Place: No. 7 Green Minibus Terminal for 海下 at Sai Kung town centre (opposite KMB bus terminal)

I won't be joining the hike due to other personal engagements.  Please enjoy your time.  The Friday that follows is the First Day of the Lunar New Year.  No hike will be arranged.  I'll see you again in two weeks' time. 
May I wish you all the best in the Year of the Horse!


Monday 13 January 2014

2014-01-17 東海大嶺捉龍蝦

The Fridayhikers are a group of friends who go hiking for leisure. Depending on the weather and road conditions, the hiking route may be subject to change without prior notice. Participants joining the hikes do so at their own will and at their own risk. They may consider buying their own insurance for better protection. The hike leaders, the organizers and any other participants in the hikes are exonerated from any liabilities and claims as a result of any accidents or losses arising.

Dear all,

This Friday, we'll try a route recommended by Hoi Yee:

大坳門 → 古代石刻 → 龍蝦灣 郊遊徑 平托坑山 → 大嶺峒(291m) → 大坑墩風箏埸 → 清水灣樹木研習徑 → 大環頭 

The route is 7 km long with a gradient change of app. 300m.  We may enjoy the beautiful scenery of Clear Water Bay along the way.  Expected journey time is 3.5 hours.  The following links are relevant:

Meeting Time: 9:00 am 
Meeting Place: 將軍澳站 (A 出口) 專線小巴 103M 站 (有蓋巴士總站內)

Please use the toilets at the bus terminal before joining the queue for the minibus

This route is exposed.  Please bring sufficient water and do UV protection.  A hiking stick will help.

For lunch, we have two options:
A) dim sum lunch in 坑口
B) walk an additional 45 min to 布袋澳 for seafood

Please state your preference for lunch in your reply.  We may need to book a table if we go for seafood at 布袋澳.  Thank you.


Friday 3 January 2014

2013-01-10 烏蛟騰至三椏村(來回)

The Fridayhikers are a group of friends who go hiking for leisure. Depending on the weather and road conditions, the hiking route may be subject to change without prior notice. Participants joining the hikes do so at their own will and at their own risk. They may consider buying their own insurance for better protection. The hike leaders, the organizers and any other participants in the hikes are exonerated from any liabilities and claims as a result of any accidents or losses arising.

Update at 17:50 on 9 Jan 2014 (Thur):

No. of Participants: 24 (Full House)

Car Pool:

Car #1: Mr & Mrs Cheung, Anson, Peter & Fanny
Car #2: KM, Amy, Harry, Adrian & Leo
Car #3: Carrie, Rita, SS, John & Yuen Fun
Car #4: Louisa, Grace, Teresa, Michael Tang & Jenny Hung
Car #5: Michael Yik
Car #6: Hannah, Belinda & Thomas
All will assemble at Wu Gau Tang at 9:45 am.  No one assembles at Tai Mei Duk.

See you all there.  Many thanks to the drivers.


Dear Fridayhikers,

As mentioned in our previous post, we shall be going to 三椏村 where we can lunch at 福利茶室.  We will walk 2.5 hours into 三椏村 from 烏蛟騰 taking the lower trail.  After lunch, we will walk back to 烏蛟騰 taking the upper trail (1 hour 45 mins).  As the minibus to and from 烏蛟騰 is not frequent, we'll bring our cars as far as possible to ferry our hiking friends between 大美督 and 烏蛟騰.  So, please note the following assembly arrangements:
 A) 沒有坐順風車的:
Meeting Time: 9:00 am
Meeting Place:大埔墟港鐵站20C專線小巴站  (總站大美督下車)
Journey Time: app 30 min.
(I'll be driving.  I'll see if I can find a leader for this group, but there's no guarantee.)
B) 駕駛者連乘客:
Meeting Time: 9:30 am
Meeting Place: 大美督私家車停車場
Present Situation:
Driver 1: Carrie -- may take 4 passengers at 大學站
Driver 2: Michael Yik -- may take 4 passengers at 大美督
Driver 3: KM -- will be taking Amy and Harry
Driver 4: Louisa -- may take 4 passengers at 太古站 at 8:40 am
We'd welcome one or two more drivers.  Would the drivers please indicate a time for pick-up.  And if you'd like a lift, please contact the drivers direct.  DO NOT leave any phone numbers or car plate numbers in your replies.  Our blog is public.

The meal at 福利茶室 will include (pending availability) the standard but delicious 芋頭扣肉/梅菜扣肉, 白切雞, 時令海鮮,  泥鯭粥, 灼鮮菜, etc. For desserts, 羌汁豆腐花 and 蕃薯芋頭糖水 are good. 

As said in my previous post, the number of participants is limited to 24 on a first-come-first-serve basis in view of the difficulty in arranging transportation.  At present, 18 persons have already signed up (in the previous post or via email).  They include: Leo, Adrian, Carrie, Jenny Hung, Michael Tang, Joseph, SS, Anson, Peter, KM, Amy, Harry, Hannah, Belinda, Rita, John, Michael Yik & Louisa.  They NEED NOT sign up again.

I'll order our lunch on Wednesday.  Once the meal is ordered, you will need to pay your share even if you do not turn up.   Expected cost: around HK$150 per head.

Please bring suffficient water and sun gear, and preferably your hiking stick.

Wednesday 1 January 2014

2014-01-03 西貢茅坪&昂平

The Fridayhikers are a group of friends who go hiking for leisure. Depending on the weather and road conditions, the hiking route may be subject to change without prior notice. Participants joining the hikes do so at their own will and at their own risk. They may consider buying their own insurance for better protection. The hike leaders, the organizers and any other participants in the hikes are exonerated from any liabilities and claims as a result of any accidents or losses arising.

Dear all,

May I wish you joy and peace in 2014!

To begin the new year, we'll go to Sai Kung, our favourite hiking spot, and walk up to 昂平 and 茅坪 for a nice view of 西貢海.  We'll ascend 400 m slowly and then descend either to 北港 or to 飛鵝山道 depending on the time. 

Meeting Time: 9:00 am
Meeting Place: 西貢公路菠蘿輋路口 (未到西貢市中心,小巴過了北港和獅子會自然教育中心之後要通知司機。路口有西貢浸信會。)

The walk itself will take 3.5 to 4 hours.  Please bring your hiking sticks, light snacks and sufficient water.


Note 1:  We'll go to 三椏村 to 'tuen nin' at 福利茶室 on Jan 10 if weather permits.  It'll help if we bring our cars along and park them at 烏蛟騰.  Please indicate if you'll be interested as early as possible.  If there're 10 or more fridayhikers joining, I'd suggest we draw HK$500 from our reserve to subsidize the meal. 

Note 2: The Jan-10 hike to Sam Ah Village is well received.  14 participants have signed up via blog/email.  I've booked 2 tables.  For ease of coordination for lunch and transportation, a maximum of 24 participants will be entertained on a first-come-first-serve basis.