Thursday 28 March 2019

Friday 29 March 2019 : 龍蝦灣郊遊徑

The Fridayhikers are a group of friends who go hiking for leisure. Depending on the weather and road conditions, the hiking route may be subject to change without prior notice. Participants joining the hikes do so at their own will and at their own risk. They may consider buying their own insurance for better protection. The hike leaders, the organizers and any other participants in the hikes are exonerated from any liabilities and claims as a result of any accidents or losses arising.


Meeting time:  9:00 am

Meeting place: 將軍澳站   A1出口

Weather Forecast: mainly cloudy with a few showers, coastal mist in the morning, more showers with isolated thunderstorms at night,  T22-26  H75-95

Bring rain gear, sun protection, and walking stick, plenty of water and some snacks.

Should the thunderstorm warning or any of the rainstorm warning be announced at 8 am, the hike is automatically cancelled.

SS / Clement

Thursday 21 March 2019

Friday 22 March 2019 : 上水虎地坳到坪輋

The Fridayhikers are a group of friends who go hiking for leisure. Depending on the weather and road conditions, the hiking route may be subject to change without prior notice. Participants joining the hikes do so at their own will and at their own risk. They may consider buying their own insurance for better protection. The hike leaders, the organizers and any other participants in the hikes are exonerated from any liabilities and claims as a result of any accidents or losses arising.

上水站乘九巴73K到虎地坳起步,沿舊軍車路上山,經杉山、華山、松山等山脊及山峰,步行到坪輋;沿途邊境、上水新圍一帶景色、及一些遺跡:   清道光求雨碑、義勇軍軍徽等。

Meeting time:  9:00 am

Meeting place: 上水C出口 (彩園路地面)

Weather Forecast: sunny intervals and rather low visibility, showers and isolated squally thunderstorms later,  T21-26  H75-95

Bring rain gear, sun protection, and walking stick, plenty of water and some snacks.

Should the thunderstorm warning or any of the rainstorm warning be announced at 8 am, the hike is automatically cancelled.

SS / Clement

Thursday 14 March 2019

Friday 15 March 2019 : 井欄樹到將軍澳

The Fridayhikers are a group of friends who go hiking for leisure. Depending on the weather and road conditions, the hiking route may be subject to change without prior notice. Participants joining the hikes do so at their own will and at their own risk. They may consider buying their own insurance for better protection. The hike leaders, the organizers and any other participants in the hikes are exonerated from any liabilities and claims as a result of any accidents or losses arising.

井欄樹 經小夏威夷徑 到將軍澳


Meeting time:  9:30 am

Meeting place: 井欄樹巴士站 (清水灣道往九龍方向)

Weather Forecast: mainly cloudy with a few rain patches, cool, T17-20  H75-95

Bring rain gear, sun protection, and walking stick, plenty of water and some snacks.

Should the thunderstorm warning or any of the rainstorm warning be announced at 8 am, the hike is automatically cancelled.

SS / Clement

Thursday 7 March 2019

Friday 8 March 2019 : 大欖涌水塘主壩

The Fridayhikers are a group of friends who go hiking for leisure. Depending on the weather and road conditions, the hiking route may be subject to change without prior notice. Participants joining the hikes do so at their own will and at their own risk. They may consider buying their own insurance for better protection. The hike leaders, the organizers and any other participants in the hikes are exonerated from any liabilities and claims as a result of any accidents or losses arising.


在屯門公路轉車站附近青山公路 / 大欖涌路 交界起步,沿大欖涌路及村路 上主壩,橫過主壩後可經車路回起點(大部份石屎路、高差~130m~5.5km)

如天氣轉佳、可選擇繼續行至小欖   or   掃管笏 or   屯門市中心 (麥徑10段、大部份泥路、高差~100m、最遠全長~11km)

Meeting time:  9:30 am

Meeting place: 青山公路 / 大欖涌路 交界    
 (經青山公路的巴士線可在"大欖涌站"下車便是 meeting point 旁)

Weather Forecast: cloudy with a few showers, cool, T17-22  H85-95

Bring rain gear, sun protection, and walking stick, plenty of water and some snacks.

Should the thunderstorm warning or any of the rainstorm warning be announced at 8 am, the hike is automatically cancelled.

SS / Clement