Wednesday 26 November 2014

2014-11-28 灣仔警察博物館 -- 寶馬山 -- 鰂魚涌地鐵站

The Fridayhikers are a group of friends who go hiking for leisure. Depending on the weather and road conditions, the hiking route may be subject to change without prior notice. Participants joining the hikes do so at their own will and at their own risk. They may consider buying their own insurance for better protection. The hike leaders, the organizers and any other participants in the hikes are exonerated from any liabilities and claims as a result of any accidents or losses arising.

Dear all,

Looks like we're going to have a rainy Friday.  For safety sake, a cemented hiking route is preferred.  The walk will take about 2.5 - 3.5 hours.

Meeting Time: 9:15 am
Meeting Place: Wanchai Gap Park, Stubbs Road

To get to Wanchai Gap Park, please take First Bus #15 at Admiralty (heading for the Peak) and get off at the Police Museum.  You may walk eastbound via Black's Link to Jardine's Lookout and then Braemar Hill.  You may then decide whether to walk further on to Quarry Bay depending on the weather.  Please bring rain gear, mosquito repellent and plenty of water.

As always, if the thunderstorm, amber, red or black rain signal is on at 7:30 am on Friday, or if there're less than 4 participants, this hike will automatically be cancelled.

I'm not joining the hike.  Please click into this blog to identify your companions nearer the time.  Thanks.



  1. Thank you, Louisa. I shall join the hike.

  2. I shall join the hike. Thanks Louisa!

  3. Thanks, Louisa. I'll come for the hike.

  4. Thanks Lousia
    Both John & I will join


  5. I will join the hike. Thanks Louisa.

  6. Thanks Louisa. I'll join.
    D K

  7. Dear all,
    Long time no see.
    Please tell where to have lunch tomorrow. Michael & I would like to have lunch together.

  8. Glad to hear from you. We will contact you near the end of our hike tomorrow.

  9. Dear all,
    Not sure if I can join you tomorrow.
    Do finish your journey at Braemar Hill, I can join you for lunch at North Point.
    I can book a table at 百好酒樓 in 城市花園。
    What do you think??
