Thursday, 31 January 2019

Friday 1 February 2019 : 烏溪沙 到 科學園

The Fridayhikers are a group of friends who go hiking for leisure. Depending on the weather and road conditions, the hiking route may be subject to change without prior notice. Participants joining the hikes do so at their own will and at their own risk. They may consider buying their own insurance for better protection. The hike leaders, the organizers and any other participants in the hikes are exonerated from any liabilities and claims as a result of any accidents or losses arising.

烏溪沙 科學園
烏溪沙站 (MTR馬鞍山線尾站)   起步經烏溪沙村/落禾沙海邊、到馬鞍山海濱長廊,經大水坑、城門河雙橋、馬料水海旁、到白石角科學園,沿途有城門河、吐露港、馬鞍山、八仙嶺景色。(全程平坦大路)
TrailWatch information: ~9km ; est ~3.5hr

Meeting time:  9:30 am

Meeting place: 烏溪沙站   A1出口

Weather Forecast: mainly cloudy, cool in the morning, on or two rain patches later, T16-20 H65-90

Bring rain gear, sun protection, and walking stick, plenty of water and some snacks.

Should the thunderstorm warning or any of the rainstorm warning be announced at 8 am, the hike is automatically cancelled.

SS / Clement


  1. Thank you, Clement. I'm in.

  2. Thanks, Clement. Will join tmr.

  3. Thx Clement, I shall join, KC

  4. Thanks Clement. Tomorrow my sister-in-law from Sydney and l will join the 烏溪沙 to 科學園 hike.
    S. S.

  5. Clement, please count me in, Thanks

  6. Thanks Clement. Leo & Lilian will join.

  7. Sorry that my sister-in-law is not feeling well;she will not come hiking tomorrow.
