Thursday 23 August 2018

Friday 24 August 2018, 青龍頭-->圓墩古村(民安隊營地)-->深井

The Fridayhikers are a group of friends who go hiking for leisure. Depending on the weather and road conditions, the hiking route may be subject to change without prior notice. Participants joining the hikes do so at their own will and at their own risk. They may consider buying their own insurance for better protection. The hike leaders, the organizers and any other participants in the hikes are exonerated from any liabilities and claims as a result of any accidents or losses arising.

take KMB or GMB to青龍頭 to start the hike,經部份圓墩郊遊徑圓墩古村(大部份已被拆去古屋已人去樓空,變成博物館及民安隊營地)深井沉殿塘;沿途可遠看大橋、大嶼北、機塲 ...
7公里 ~2.5小時 最高點海拔242米   (mostly paved road / steps, some sections of uphill / downhill)
OPTION:  if weather is not stable, can walk from Tsuen Wan West Rail to Sham Tseng or Tsing Lung Tau along the coast about 6.5km or 8.5km respectively

Meeting Time:  9 a.m.

Meeting Place:  Tsuen Wan West Rail (7-11 at 荃灣碼頭出口)

Weather forecast:  mainly cloudy with a few showers and thunderstorms, sunny intervals in the afternoon,  T 26-31  H 75-95

Please bring plenty of water, sun gear, rain gear, walking stick, mosquito repellent, snacks etc.

Clement / SS


  1. Thanks Clement. I will join the Sham Tseng/Tsing Lung Tau hike tomorrow. We can go to Cheung Sha Wan 喜樂 for lunch after our hike.

  2. I will join the hiking trip tomorrow.
